What to do when my washing machine does not fill up or drain?

Last Update date : 2024-05-28

A blocked filter or twisted hose may be the reason for your washing machine's inability to drain or fill up. The steps listed below are a useful reference for resolving some of the most typical concerns with draining or water supply, including cleaning filters. The most frequent situations to check for issues are those described in the guidelines below.

washing machine

When the washing machine does not work, please check that the door is tightly closed. The washing machine should be plugged in and powered on. Please also make sure the water source valve is completely connected and turned on. 

Two types of water hoses (hot and cold) are located at the back of the washing machine and need to be connected to the respective valve. Also, check to see if the hot and cold water supply hoses are not kinked, both water supply valves are entirely open, and the hose filter has no issues inside.

  • Occasionally, the 4C (4E) error codes might be displayed because of a blockage of the dispenser drawer. 
  • The most common reason is a problem with the water supply, or a blocked or kinked water supply hose. In this situation, the washing machine will drain for 3 minutes and the power button will be inoperative. In this case, please clean the debris filter and mesh filter.
  • However, 4C (4E) errors can also be caused by poor water supply valves, water pressure, poor water hose installation, poor water level sensor, poor air hose, poor connector contact, poor mainboard, etc. 
  • Therefore, it is recommended to contact the customer's service center if the problem is not resolved after you have done what you can.

Cleaning the filters on the washing machine

In order to solve a water supply or draining issue, it is recommended to clean the filters on the washing machine. There are two types of filters on the product, one is inside of the water hose and the other is a debris filter on the bottom of the washing machine.

Take extra care when removing the HOT water connection to avoid possible injury. (Turn off the hot and cold water supply tap before cleaning the inlet hose filters.) Also, when you have finished cleaning, turn on the faucet and then make sure the connections are watertight. 

Unscrew the hose Unscrew the hose

Step 1. Unscrew the hose and pull out the mesh filter.

mesh filter mesh filter

Step 2. With a pair of pliers gently pull out the mesh filter from the end of the hose.

mesh filter mesh filter

Step 3. Rinse it under water. In addition to the mesh filter, also clean the inside and outside of the threaded connector.

 Push the mesh filter back  Push the mesh filter back

Step 4. Push the filter back into place.

Screw the hose Screw the hose

Step 5. Screw the hose back onto the washing machine.

Verify the debris filter is not clogged. If you need to clean the debris filter, follow the steps below.

debris filter cover debris filter cover

Step 1. Open the debris filter cover.

white drain plug white drain plug

Step 2. Remove the white drain plug from the emergency drain hose and drain the water in a suitable container.

auxiliary drain hose auxiliary drain hose

Step 3. After the water stops draining from the auxiliary drain hose, remove the debris filter by turning it counterclockwise and pulling it out.

Clean the debris filter Clean the debris filter

Step 4. Cleaning the debris filter with a soft brush.

Inspect and clean the filter Inspect and clean the filter

Step 5. Inspect and clean the filter, and then reinstall it by pushing it in and turning it clockwise until secure. Reinstall the emergency drain hose cap and secure it, too.

Reinstall the cover Reinstall the cover

Step 6. Reinstall the cover by placing it into the holes at the bottom of the access panel opening and pushing or folding it into the top.


  • You can open the debris filter access cover by inserting a coin or a key into the slot above the access panel and gently prying it open.
  • Before opening the cover, place a towel or basket under it to prevent water damage to the floor.

Note: If you have any questions after verifying the above-mentioned solutions, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

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