What is the 'Recovery Code' for the Samsung Fold6 and Flip6, and in what cases can I use it?

Last Update date : 2024-07-17
Fold6 and Flip6

The recovery code is an essential component of Samsung's 'Enhanced data protection' feature, particularly for devices like the Samsung Fold6 and Flip6. Here’s a breakdown of its purpose and how to use it:

What is the recovery code?

  • 28-Character Code: The recovery code is a 28-character code.
  • Purpose: It is used to recover encrypted data in situations where user devices are unavailable.

When to Use the Recovery Code

  • Loss of Device: If your device is lost,.
  • Theft: If your device is stolen,.
  • Damage: If your device is damaged,.
  • Device Failure: If your device fails,.

Important Considerations

  • Single View: The recovery code cannot be viewed again after it is generated.
  • Samsung's Policy: Samsung does not store the recovery code.
  • Secure Storage: Once generated, the recovery code must be recorded and stored securely.


  • No Access Without Code: If both your device and the recovery code are lost, there is no way to access your encrypted data.
  •  For further assistance or questions, please Contact us.

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