Why does my phone ring for incoming calls from specific contacts despite setting vibrate or mute mode for the ringtone?

Last Update date : 2024-07-13

Despite setting your phone to vibrate or mute mode for incoming calls, you may still hear the ringtone when certain contacts call. This issue can be perplexing, but there are a few reasons why it might occur


There is a new feature of setting a ringtone option for specific contacts to make ringing even when set to ‘Vibrate or Mute’ mode. Please check the relevant option and disable it if you don’t want to get ringing from a specific contact.

To disable it, follow the bellow steps:

1. Navigate to and open the Contacts Application.

2. Select your desired contact.

3. Press on  More (⁝).

4. Select Change ringtone/vibration.

5. Disable ‘Ring even when set to Vibrate or Mute’.

Change Ringtone

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