Selecting Play Mode in MP3 Player

Last Update date : Oct 12. 2020

Follow the below steps for selecting the play mode :


a. Press and hold the "M" button.


b. Select settings and then select Play Mode.


c. In play mode, use - or + to move to the mode which you want to select and press the "M" button again to select it.




List of modes :


a. Normal : To play all the files in order one time.


b. Repeat One : To repeat one file.


c. Repeat Folder : To repeat the current folder.


d. Repeat All : To repeat all files.


e. Shuffle Folder : To play files in folders at random.


f. Shuffle All : To play files at random.


g. Intro : To play the first few seconds of a music file.


h. Return : To move to a previous menu.

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