What is an HDMI InstaPort technology in Samsung Smart TV's?

Last Update date : Oct 26. 2020

Samsung's Smart TV InstaPort technology allows the digital television to perform simultaneous background HDCP(High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) authentication with all connected source devices connected via HDMI cable. When a new input HDMI source is selected by the viewer, the HDCP authentication has already been performed and the newly selected HDMI source can begin streaming content immediately. The time required to switch between HDMI inputs is reduced to less than one second.



(TV displaying switching of HDMI source with InstaPort and without InstaPort)


Advantage with InstaPort in Samsung TV :


InstaPort technology makes the TV viewing experience more enjoyable.

● Allow consumers to more quickly access their HDMI connected entertainment devices.

● Reduces delay when switching between the source devices connected to HDMI port.

● Performs HDCP authentication with all the sources connected to HDMI port. 

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