What is Triple Protection in Samsung F Series TV?

Last Update date : Oct 26. 2020

Samsung F Series TV now came up with Triple Protection. It protects against damage due to lightning, humidity and Power Surge. Block Capacitors, Varistors and Silica Gel acts as a triple protector in Samsung F Series TV.  





Lightning Protection :


● Lightning protectors help to prevent damage due to lightning in Samsung F Series TV.

● Block Capacitors (stores the charges) are present in TV to absorb lightning.

● It strikes up to 15 kV (KiloVolt).


(Block Capacitor)


Humidity Protection :


● Humidity protectors help to prevent damage due to moisture in Samsung F Series TV.

● Silica gel and Anti-humidity glue applied around each chipset in TV to protect against humidity.


(Silica Gel)


Surge Protection :


● Surge protectors help to prevent damage due to power fluctuations in Samsung TV.

● Varistor block are in-built in Samsung TV to withstand power surge up to 750V.

● It also protects against high impulse.





CLICK HERE to know all about Samsung F Series TV.

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